Should vs Want: How Language Effects Mood.

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How often do you end the day frustrated with yourself because you didn't do something that you "Should" be doing? I don't believe that you are lazy, unmotivated or disorganized.

When we don't do a task or an activity day in and day out that we feel that we "Should" do, there's a sign that something deeper is happening.

Check in with yourself. Is the item on your "To Do List" something that you actually WANT to do, or is it something that you feel like you HAVE to do?

If it's a want...

  1. Change your language. Instead of saying "I should exercise" try "I want to move my body"

  2. Ask, "How can this be fun/easy?" Likely, if you want to do a task, but you are having a hard time following through, there's likely a barrier between you and the thing you want. Asking how something could be fun or easy helps you put on your problem solving cap and remove those barriers.

If it's a have to....

  1. Really? Do you really HAVE to do it or are you trying to fit into someone else's box? If your trying to live up to someone else's "best" try letting that go and tuning into your own inner wisdom

  2. If you really have to do something, focus on how an unpleasant task ultimately benefits you. This may help boost your mood.

  3. If you can't get out of it, get into it.   Ask "How can this be fun/ easy?"

Remember, getting things done isn't usually about motivation, inspiration or energy (that's just a belief that we have). Accomplishing a task often involves overcoming your mind to get your body in motion.  If you want to do something, pay attention to the thoughts that you have surrounding that thing.  Focus there and behavior change will follow.

Cheering you on friend!



Hey! I'm Samantha, a professional counselor living and working in Asheville, North Carolina. I teach stressed out professionals at the top of their game how to ditch perfectionism so that they can love their lives again. Sound like you? I’d love to connect. Schedule a free consultation call today to get started.


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