Getting Grounded: 5 Simple Tasks You Can Do to Hit the Reset Button on Your Emotions


About once a week, a client sits down on the couch across from me looking distraught. They’re freaked out and embarrassed because they’ve lost control of their emotions again. Whether it’s a panic attack, uncontrollable anger or intense self-criticism, they are all asking the same questions “How do I make this stop!?”

Maybe this feeling resonates with you too. Your mind is racing from one thought to the next, from one task to the next.  You can't stop thinking about something you wish you could stop thinking about.  You can't forget something you desperately want to forget. You’re so frustrated with your co-worker you can hardly listen to what they are saying. You’re so overcome with anxiety you can’t sit still.  Your mind is full to the brim and you just. need. space.

Here are a five really simple things you can do right now,or anytime really, to connect you back to the here and now and gain control over your thoughts and emotions.

1. Name ten things in the room.

2. Pick one of those things and describe it in detail without judgement.  So, you wouldn't say,  "That is a beautiful picture." You would just describe the object using as much factual detail as possible.

3. Choose an object that you can pick up and describe its texture, shape, color, weight, etc.

4. If there are words in your space, start at the end of the word or phrase and name each letter.  "Nervous"  would   sound like "S" "U" "O"  etc.

5. Describe the sent of three objects around you in detail. 

Focusing your mind in on these specific tasks can take some of the intensity off of the thought or emotion you are trying to avoid. Though simple, these tasks can help divert your attention long enough to allow you to choose to focus on something else. For many, choosing what thoughts and feelings to focus on is the first step toward feeling better.

I want to here from you. What are some things that you do to bring you back into the present moment? How do you create mental head space?



Hey! I'm Samantha, a professional counselor living and working in Asheville, North Carolina.  I help stressed out professionals at the top of their game ditch perfectionism so that they can love their lives again. Sound like you? I’d love to connect. Schedule a consultation call to get started.


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